NEMLUVIO delivers fast and lasting itch relief for patients with PN1
Itch relief as soon as
49% of patients achieved significant itch relief† at Week 16 vs 16% with placebo (P<0.0001)2,3‡
Actor portrayal.
PP-NRS response defined as a ≥4-point improvement from baseline. Data from Phase 3 clinical study (OLYMPIA 2) post hoc descriptive analysis of daily PP-NRS improvement. Significant improvement was achieved at 48 hours (13% vs 3% with placebo).1,2
More than 8 out of 10 patients saw itch relief with over a year of treatment1
Data from observed cases in OLYMPIA 2 treat-through population, interim analysis of the OLYMPIA LTE. No imputations for missing data. In the full population, 86% of patients (n=152) achieved PP-NRS improvement at Week 52. The OLYMPIA LTE is an ongoing prospective, multicenter, single-arm, open-label study up to 184 weeks.1,4
Peak PRURITUS Numerical Rating Scale (PP-NRS)5
- Patient-reported outcome designed to measure the worst itch over the previous 24-hour period
- Treatment success defined as at least a 4-point improvement from baseline
of patients taking NEMLUVIO were itch‑free or nearly itch‑free with over a year of treatment1
Itch-free or nearly itch-free defined as PP-NRS <25
Data from observed cases in the OLYMPIA 2 treat‑through population, Week 52 interim analysis of the OLYMPIA LTE. In the full population, 66% of patients (n=163) achieved PP‑NRS <2 at Week 52.1,4

Lasting Skin Healing1
Discover how NEMLUVIO healed most PN nodules for patients with PN1

Favorable Safety Profile2
NEMLUVIO offers a favorable safety profile and requires no preliminary lab evaluations or ongoing lab monitoring2
Sign up now for more information about NEMLUVIO for PN
PP-NRS response defined as a ≥4-point improvement from baseline.2
Data shown from OLYMPIA 2; in OLYMPIA 1, 56% of patients achieved significant itch relief vs 16% for placebo.2
LTE=long-term extension; PN=prurigo nodularis; PP-NRS=Peak Pruritus Numerical Rating Scale.
References: 1. Galderma Laboratories, L.P.; data on file. 2. NEMLUVIO (nemolizumab-ilto) injection 30 mg Prescribing Information. Dallas, TX: Galderma Laboratories, L.P. 3. Galderma Laboratories, L.P.; data on file. Clinical Study Report RD.06.SRE.203065 [OLYMPIA 2]; September 2023. 4. Galderma Laboratories, L.P.; data on file. Clinical Study Report RD.06.SIR.202699 [OLYMPIA LTE]; October 2023. 5. Kwatra SG, Yosipovitch G, Legat FJ, et al. Phase 3 trial of nemolizumab in patients with prurigo nodularis. N Engl J Med. 2023;389(17):1579-1589. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2301333