Galderma Patient Services for Nemluvio
Your real-time navigation partner to help patients start and stay on NEMLUVIO
GPS (Galderma Patient Services) for NEMLUVIO™ helps patients start and stay on treatment by providing access to assistance programs and adherence support.1

Fully complete the NEMLUVIO® Enrollment Form with patient consent
Send form to in‑network Specialty Pharmacy of choice
Specialty Pharmacy will confirm insurance coverage and coordinate program eligibility, so your patient receives NEMLUVIO right to their door*
Start therapy
Quick Start Program
Treatment-naïve patients will receive their first/loading dose while awaiting prior authorization (PA) decision. Available to eligible commercially insured patients. Patients can receive 2 additional refills.
Note: If there are further delays in the PA approval process, patients may move to Bridge Program. Please be sure to fill out the Free Goods prescription on the Enrollment Form to make sure your patients can get started quickly.
Patient Assistance Program
Helps patients who financially qualify gain access to treatment when they don’t have coverage or have insufficient/limited coverage for NEMLUVIO.
Nurse Navigator Support
Nurse Navigators are available online or over the phone, to provide injection training, injection assistance, and ongoing disease management support to your patients.
Note: While filling out the Enrollment Form, you may sign your patients up for Nurse Navigator support with their consent.
Stay on track
Co-Pay Assistance
Eligible patients may pay as little as $0†
The Co-Pay program helps commercially insured patients reduce or eliminate out-of-pocket costs and improve affordability.
Bridge Program
Provides access to eligible patients who have been on NEMLUVIO and are experiencing a gap in treatment due to a new insurance obstacle.

Get your patients started with NEMLUVIO
Call 1-855-NEMLUVIO to contact a Field Access Manager to see if your patient may be eligible for any GPS for NEMLUVIO programs
Sign up now for more information about NEMLUVIO for PN and AD
Initial shipping location varies based on provider/office/patient preference. Eligible patients will receive Quick Start if additional steps are required for prior authorization.
Out-of-pocket cost reductions for eligible patients may vary. The annual maximum for co-pay assistance is set at $15,000.
Reference: 1. Galderma Laboratories, L.P.; data on file.